Stage One: Define It

"Begin With The End In Mind"

To get from "A" to "B" the horse has to be in front of the cart, right?

Yet, historically, financial advisers have put the cart before the horse. You meet an adviser and within moments the conversation has turned to financial products. To picking top funds and so on.

How crazy is that?!

How seriously would you take a doctor who began writing out a prescription for you as soon as you sat down?

So before we start dispensing financial prescriptions we need to understand you. Where you are and where you want to be. What your goals and aspirations are. What your fears or concerns are.

This is Lifestyle Financial Planning, about putting the horse before the cart, about "Beginning With The End In Mind". It cannot and does not work any other way.

So we need you to define your ideal Lifestyle. All the "good stuff". This may include:

  • Being financially independent by a certain age (a very common desire!)
  • Paying off the mortgage early
  • Putting the children or grandchildren though private education
  • Getting a bigger home
  • Enjoying more frequent holidays in retirement
  • Setting up your own business ("telling the Boss to shove it"!)
  • Helping your children get their first home
  • Buying that special car you have always wanted
  • Helping and funding your favourite charity

Of course, all this comes at a cost! Working out that cost is the next stage....