Young Families

Life is hectic: school runs; jobs to hold down; mortgage payments; bills.

Ever felt that life is speeding up? Our service provides long-term financial clarity so you can focus on the here and now.

Matt & Eve's story

In their mid-30s, with two very young children, Matt and Eve both have decent jobs. They feel they should be progressing financially but, year after year, they seem unable to squirrel away money.

Time seems to be speeding up and the commute-work existence leaves little time for properly planning for their future.

With Nick’s help, Matt and Eve worked out the cost of their current lifestyle and future goals. They agreed that, although retirement was a long way off, they would not want anything less than the lifestyle they currently enjoyed!

Based on this information, Nick produced a Lifetime Financial Forecast for Matt and Eve, based on upon their specific goals and ambitions. From this Nick was able to show them affordable, implementable financial strategies that would enable them to achieve their goals in life.

Matt and Eve meet with Nick every year, to update their Lifetime Financial Forecast. This helps ensure that they remain on track to achieve all their financial goals.

The real benefit to Matt and Eve is that they can focus on their careers and family life, knowing that their financial future is on a solid footing. They have “money peace of mind”.